Score band 8.0
考題來源:Cambridge 11 Test 2
Listening: 35/40
section 1234: [0]/[1]/[4]/[0]
*多選題錯2題,Section 3的單選題錯3題
技術性失分(字尾s、拼音等原本應該可以拿分): 0題
(1) 多選題跟單選題的難度開始慢慢浮現,尤其是單選的選項都故意做得很像,需要非常專注並同時paraphrase題目中的意思才能選出正解,看來這部分得要再花點時間多聽幾遍,熟悉這種做題方式了。單選題的關鍵字只要注意名詞就好!名詞才是文意的重點。
(2) 這次的Section 2 多選題主要考的是陳述裡的時態,要判斷哪些事已經完成了,哪些還沒有做的,中間會變化不同的說法,需要完全理解詞義並小心判斷才能全拿,這部分需要多聽幾遍直到完全理解。
(3) [多選]題目:Which TWO changes have been made so far during the refurbishment of the theatre?
答案:Some rooms now have a different use. / A different type of seating has been installed.
…The interior has just been repainted, and we’re about to start on the exterior of the building…(還未做)
…,so we’ve had to postpone installing an elevator…(還未做)
…We’ve replaced them(seats) with larger seats, with more legroom…(已做)
…This means fewer seats in total…(no extra seats)
…We’ ve also turned a few storerooms over to other purposes, like using them for meetings. (已做)
(4) [單選]題目:What do the students agree should be included in their aims?
答案:factors affecting where organisms live
Colin:…But we need something about what causes different organisms to choose particular habitats.
Helen: I agree. And something about finding out how to protect organisms in danger of dying out? (distractor)
Colin: In our aims? But we weren’t really looking at that.
Helen: I suppose not. OK…
(5)[單選]題目:In Helen’s procedure section, Colin suggests a change in
答案:the amount of information provided
Helen: …Now, the next section’s the procedure. I sent you the draft of that.
Colin: Yeah, It was clear, but I don’t think we need all these details of what time we left and what time we got back and how we divided up the different research tasks.
Helen: OK. I’ll look at that again.
中間有出現一個distractor在divided up,但重點是Colin覺得太細節了,應該要修改或刪減,重點不是在資訊的區分方式要調整。
(6)[單選]題目:What do they decide to do next with their map?
答案:check it using photographs
Colin: …We could get a map of the region off the internet and see if we need to make any changes.
Helen: I had a look but I couldn’t find anything. But you took some pictures, didn’t you?
Colin: Yeah. I’ll email you them if you want.
Helen: OK. I’ll make my amendments using those, then I can scan it into our report.
(7)[多選]題目:Which TWO problems affecting organisms in the splash zone are mentioned?
答案:lack of water / high temperatures
Helen: …But the shells prevent them from drying out because they’re in the open air for most of the time.
Colin: Right. And since they’re exposed, they need to be able to find some sort of shelter, or cover themselves up, so they don’t get too hot. Then in the middle and lower zones, nearer the sea, we need to discuss the effects of wave action…
- guidance: 輔導 — 對正常人做預防性、發展性的指導
- counseling:諮商 — 對情緒有困擾的正常人做預防性、發展性、治療性的諮商,解決情緒問題,獲得思想、態度、情緒、行為的改變。
- psychotherapy: 在醫院對精神病人或情緒嚴重困擾的人做治療,達成人格的改變,解決深層內在的情緒問題,為長期的治療。
- consultation: 徵詢者[父母或師長]詢問諮詢者[助人者]解決個案[行為問題者]問題的過程
- administrator: 管理者、行政人員
- courier: 導遊、旅遊團的服務員
- consultation: 諮詢
- scheme: 計畫、體制
- refurbishment: 翻修
- interior: 內部
- exterior: 外部、表面
- legroom: 伸腿的空間
- look into: 調查、研究
- costume: 戲服、演出服
- auditorium: 觀眾席
- internal: 內部的、內在的
- foyer: 門廳、休息室
- corridor: 通道
- airy: 空氣充足的
- box office: 售票處
- insulation: 絕緣
- lift: 電梯
- reorient: 重定方位
- stuffy: 悶熱的
- utilize: 利用、使用
- habitat: 棲息地
- die out: 滅絕
- slope: 斜坡
- make a fuss: 大驚小怪
- seashore: 海灘、海邊
- amendment: 修改、修正
- splash: (液體)濺起
- shellfish: 貝類軟體動物
- dry out: 使…變乾
- smash: 擠碎、摔碎
- eligible: 合適的、合格的
- field study: 實習
- mandatory course: 必修課
- optional course: 選修課
- plagiarism: 抄襲
- prospectus: (學校或企業的)簡介,簡章
- tutorial: 導師輔導課
- domestic: 內部的、家庭的
- high-rise: 高層建築
- suspense: 懸念、不確定
- intrigue: 誘發、激發
- acoustic: 聲學的、聽覺的
- orchestra: 管弦樂團
- photovoltaic: 光電的
- review: 影評
- symphony: 交響樂
- context: (事情存在、發生的)背景,環境
- content: 滿意的;滿足的;知足的、(文章、演講、電影等的)內容、含量
- canal: 運河;渠
- canoe: 獨木舟;皮划;划子、乘獨木舟;划獨木舟
- off-putting: 令人不快的;令人煩惱的,討人厭的
- square: 正方形,四方形
- sphere: 球,圓球;球狀物
- cubic(adj.): (體積單位)立方的