

Score band 7.5

Reading: 32/40

passage 123: [5]/[0]/[3]

技術性失分(字尾s、拼音等原本應該可以拿分): 3題

  • In the Middle Ages, people began training to become a knight at a young age.
  • Today, potential recipients of the knighthood are selected through a nominations system.
  • A final decision is made by an advisory panel.


(1) TFNG題還是有困難,尤其是False跟Not Given,False一定是題目中有出現跟文章背離的論點才能這樣解釋,不然沒有資訊都只能算是Not Given。

Most knights now come from the arts and entertainment industries. — Not Given

提示:Some of the most notable knighthoods of recent times have been bestowed on musicians or entertainers such as Sir Elton John and Sir Paul McCartney, and the fields of finance, industry and education are also represented. (We are not told how many knights come from each area, and ‘some’ is not the same as ‘most’)

(2) 雖然題目常常會按照順序出題,但這次犯了一個錯,誤以為題目就只會在某一區塊,因為接下來的題目是出在這一區塊的下方,以致於以為文章後面的描述是distractor,所以判斷為Not Given,原本是寫對的,後來修改以致錯誤。所以要記得題目跟題目之間是會重疊的,還是要清楚把上下文都瀏覽過才能判斷。

An esquire needed money to buy his own equipment. — True

Finally, the potential knight also required the financial means to purchase horses, weapons and armour for himself, and then make himself available to serve the ruling monarch for a minimum period each year.

(3) 填空題一定要注意冠詞(an article)!而且記得不用更改字的型態,直接找到答案照抄上去即可

…In the Middle Ages, people began training to become a knight at a young age…

提示:…A would-be knight had to undergo strict military instruction from a young age, which included spending time as an assistant…

前面的military instruction是說這些學徒要經過訓練,並不是說要進入軍隊的一個機構,不是地點;所以答案是從小開始,前面的at算是提示。

…They had to show they were brave and skilled fighters, and were required to work for the ruling monarch for part of the year.

提示:…He also had to demonstrate chivalrous behaviour such as generosity, selflessness, fearlessness and skill in battle…, and then make himself available to serve the ruling monarch for a minimum period each year.

(4) 第一次處理這種題型:Summary completion with options supplied,覺得比直接填空還要難,因為文章中的字不能直接找出來照寫,而是還要再經過一層paraphrase找到同義詞(而且是文章中的意思),如果你的判斷跟文章中的不一樣,就會錯很多…

題目:…Today, this same response manifests itself mostly as nothing more than a feeling of anxiety…

提示:…This shift to survival mode is often popularly described as a sudden unease, a sense that a situation is ‘off’ or ‘not right’.)

作答:我寫的是pressure,不過那是我個人的解釋,的確uneaseness在字典裡的意思是worry or anxiety

題目:…It is the result of the hypothalamus producing and releasing substances into the blood…

提示:…the hypothalamus, advising the sympathetic nervous system and the adrenal-cortical system to work, at first separately, and then together, to blend a potent mix of hormones and chemicals and secrete them into the bloodstream…

作答:substance在字典裡的意思material with particular physical characteristics;而mixture在字典裡的意思是a substance made from a combination of different substances, or any combination of different things。這樣看完還是沒有辦法了解mixture為什麼不行,只能大概感覺如果直接講mixture只會知道是一種混合後的東西,但是並不知道那是什麼,如果講substances就至少知道他是一種物質?

題目:…Although this system was once essential to human survival, it now occurs…

提示:…Without this instinctive response, the human race would never have survived, but at present it is often more of a hindrance…

作答:我選的是strengths,不過按照文章,這個不應該是優勢或是力量,strength的意思是:a good characteristic / the ability to do things that need a lot of physical or mental effort,所以是system比較合適:a set of organs or structures in the body that have a particular purpose


  • knighthood: 爵士身份;騎士身份
  • conferred upon: 授予(稱號、榮譽);賦予(優勢)
  • bestowed on/upon: 贈予;給予
  • be eligible for: 具備條件的;有資格的;合格的
  • permit: 允許,准許
  • monarch: 君主;國王,皇帝;女王,女皇
  • totalitarian: 極權主義的
  • bureaucracy: 官僚作風;官僚主義;官僚體制
  • bureau: (搜集或提供資訊的)辦事處,辦公室,機構、(政府部門的)局,處,科
  • monopoly: 壟斷(機構);專賣;獨佔
  • instruction: 教授;指導(某種技能/科目)
  • chivalrous: (男人)有騎士風度的;(對女士)彬彬有禮的,體貼的
  • deliberate(v.): 慎重考慮;仔細討論
  • deliberate(adj.): (常指壞事)有意的,故意的,蓄意的、慢吞吞的;小心謹慎的;沉穩的
  • forfeited: (因違規而)喪失,被沒收
  • revoke: 撤銷;廢除;解除
  • provoke: 激起,引起(尤指負面反應)、激怒,挑釁
  • evoke: 引起,喚起(記憶或感情)
  • meadow: (常指有野花的)草地,牧場
  • forge: 偽造;假冒
  • preside: 主持(會議或儀式)
  • preside over sth: 掌管;主持(尤指正式會議或審判)
  • pension: 養老金;退休金;撫恤金
  • retain: 保持;保留;保有
  • annul: 廢除,取消(法律、協議等);宣佈(婚姻)無效
  • procrastination: the act of delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring
  • dismiss: 對…不予理會,摒棄,(從頭腦中)去除
  • innocuous: completely harmless (= causing no harm)
  • foible: (無傷大雅的)怪癖,小毛病,小缺點
  • sober: 未醉的,清醒的、嚴肅的;冷靜的、(衣物)簡樸的,色彩暗淡的
  • bemuse: 使人困惑
  • bemused: 糊塗的;茫然的
  • wreak: 造成,引起(災禍等)
  • havoc: 破壞,毀壞;混亂
  • renege: 違背(諾言);違約;背信
  • undermine: (常指逐漸地)削弱信心、權威等,損害
  • anecdotal: 趣聞的,軼事的;傳聞的
  • pressing: 緊迫的,迫切的
  • peer pressure: 同儕(尤指兒童)間的壓力;同輩間的壓力
  • daunting: making you feel slightly frightened or worried about your ability to achieve something
  • important-sounding
  • convince: 說服;使相信;使信服
  • pique: (尤指因自尊心受損而產生的)不悅,生氣
  • hierarchy: 等級制度
  • surmise: 推測,猜測,臆測
  • monarchy: 君主政體,君主制
  • compel: 強迫;逼迫;迫使、激起,引發
  • tedious: 單調乏味的,無趣的
  • monotony: 單調乏味;毫無變化
  • recompensate: 獎勵補償 (To reward or repay (someone) for something done, given etc.)
  • compensate: 付錢, 賠償;補償, 交換, 彌補,補償 (To pay or reward someone in exchange for work done or some other consideration.)
  • guru: (精通某一領域並給出專業建議的)專家,權威,大師
  • mixture: 混合物;混合體;混合料
  • manifest(v.): 顯示;表現;表明
  • manifest(adj.): 明顯的,顯而易見的
  • manifestation: 顯示;表明
  • exacerbate: 使惡化;使加重;使加劇
  • overstay: 停留超過…的期限
  • chatter: 嘮叨;喋喋不休
  • solitary: 獨自的,唯一的,單個的
  • boon: 提高生活素質的東西;有用之物
  • fret about: 煩躁不安;苦惱,發愁
  • predicament: 尷尬的處境,窘境,困境
  • predicate: 謂語
  • predictability: 可預見性
  • psyche: 心靈;精神;心態
  • psycho: 精神失常者,精神病人,變態人格者
  • psychiatric: 精神病(學)的
  • cumulative: 累積的;漸增的
  • accrual: 累積,增加,增多
  • exertion: the use of a lot of mental or physical effort
  • resentful: 感到憤恨;不滿;憎惡
  • ram: to hit or push something with force
  • packed intersection
  • affirmative: relating to a statement that shows agreement or says “yes”
  • antidote: 解毒劑;(尤指)解毒藥、矯正方法;緩解辦法;對抗手段
  • positive: certain and without any doubt / full of hope and confidence, or giving cause for hope and confidence
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