Score band 8.0
Listening: 36/40
section 1234: [0]/[0]/[0]/[4]
技術性失分(字尾s、拼音等原本應該可以拿分): 2題
- What actions help to make these changes
- gather data(both statistics and textual data)
(1) 沒有地圖直接聽電話講解,同時要分辨正確的地點跟distractor,雖然這次沒有錯,但考試的時候並沒有完全聽懂,這部分需要再加強。
…there are other keys that you may need…You’ll find them hanging on a hook inside the cupboard in the hallway next to the hot water cupboard. (distractor — next to the hot water cupboard, not inside it.)
(2) 複數詞要注意聽填空的前後文提示,或是題目前後文提示
…how different sorts of actions can facilitate or even encourage these changes to happen.
(3) 在section 4的最後一段,因為有一格沒有聽清楚而分心了,影響到後面的幾題,導致連環出錯。沒有辦法挽回的題目就應該要果斷放棄。
1950s — the discipline emerged. Economic issues were the major consideration.
1970s — Development Studies became more critical of common practices and underlying assumptions. Questions were raised about power, environmental sustainability and unequal gender issues.
(4) 這次的題目明顯簡單很多,所以得分較高;另外也戴上耳機聽起來比較清楚,希望能繼續保持。原則上就是要不斷用關鍵字定錨,確認每段聽力到底說到哪裡,另外就是拼字、單複數以及單字的數量要注意。
- modem: modulator-demodulator的英文縮寫,數據機
- cupboard: 櫥櫃;壁櫥;壁櫃
- linen: (桌布、床單等)亞麻製品;仿亞麻製品
- lever: 槓杆,操縱杆,控制手柄
- power surge
- mains box
- swamp: 沼澤地;濕地、淹沒,浸沒、充斥,席捲,使應接不暇
- expedition: 遠征;探險,考察
- don’t get me wrong
- talk down to sb: 以居高臨下的語氣對(某人)說話
- tedious: 單調乏味的,無趣的
- keep sb on one’s toes: to make sure that someone gives all their attention to what they are doing and is ready for anything that might happen
- administrative: 管理的;行政的
- keep sb at arm’s length: 與(某人)保持距離;疏遠(某人);不與(某人)過於親近
- highlight: 使引起注意,強調、最精彩的部分
- day-to-day basis
- stand back and watch
- run = operate
- In retrospect: 回顧;回想
- drain: (使)排出,(使)排放,放乾(液體)、使勞累,使疲憊、使減少;使降低;消耗
- penalize: (因犯規)處罰,懲罰
- conduct: 進行;處理、舉止,表現;為人、指揮(合唱團、樂隊等)、傳導(電或熱)
- academic transcripts
- weed out: 清除;剔除;淘汰
- boil down to: (形勢或問題)主要原因在於,歸結為
- underpin: 支撐;加強;鞏固;構成(基礎)
- be put into place
- textual: 文本結構的
- underlying: 暗含的;深層的;潛在的