Score band 8.0
考題來源:Cambridge 10 Test 2
Reading: 36/40
passage 123: [0]/[0]/[4]
技術性失分(字尾s、拼音等原本應該可以拿分): 0題
(1) 單選錯1題,YNNG錯3題
(2) 這次有超過作答時間(5分鐘),這次在Section 2在定位時花了太多時間,是關於教育的文章
(3) According to the writer, the ‘displacement effect’ on the visitor is caused by ________
the variety of works on display and the way they are arranged
線索:The visitor may then be struck by the strangeness of seeing such diverse paintings, drawings and sculptures brought together in an environment for which they were not originally created. This ‘displacement effect’ is further heightened by the sheer volume of exhibits.
(4) [YNNG]
Art history should focus on discovering the meaning of art using a range of media — Not Given
Reproductions of fine art should only be sold to the public if they are of high quality — Not Given
In the future, those with power are likely to encourage more people to enjoy art — No
- affluent:
- appraisal: the act of examining someone or something in order to judge their qualities, success, or needs 評定;鑒定;估價;評價、(工作/業績)鑒定
- static: 靜止的;停滯的;不變的
- diligence: 勤勉、勤奮
- prevalence: 流行;盛行;普遍;(疾病等的)流行程度
- anthropological: 人類學的
- wrestle with: 努力解決;艱難對付
- enigma: 令人費解的事物,令人困惑的事物
- cupboard: 碗櫥
- antiseptic: 防腐劑;(尤指)殺菌劑,消毒劑、不受感染的;消過毒的;無菌的
- succumb: to lose the determination to oppose something; to accept defeat屈從,屈服;放棄抵抗;承認失敗、
- eccentric: 怪異的,古怪的;異乎尋常的
- deduction: (根據已知的事實所作出的)推斷,推論;推論所促成的決定、減法;扣除
- skepticism: 懷疑、懷疑的態度
- admiration: 欽佩;羨慕;讚賞;欣賞
- distinguished: 傑出的,突出的,卓越的
- alight: 燃燒的;著火的、容光煥發的;興奮的,喜悅的
- alight(v.): (尤指從火車或公共汽車上)下來,下去、降落,飛落、發現;偶然碰見;無意中發覺 (alight on)
- sanitation: 下水道設施,衛生設備
- clipper: 帆船
- forge ahead: 取得進展、獲得領先
- literacy: 識字,讀寫能力
- dysentery: 痢疾
- output: 產出
- facilitate: 促進
- deregulation: 解除管制
- liberalisation: 自由化
- giftedness: 天賦
- age-norm: 年齡常模
- exceptionally: 非常地
- metacognition: 後設認知
- succinctly(adv.): 簡潔地
- harness: 控制
- interpret: 理解,解釋,闡釋、表演,演繹
- reinforce: 強化,加深,進一步證實(觀點、看法等)
- numerous: 大量地
- approach: 方法
- exterior beams: 外梁
- beam: (尤指支撐建築物或其他結構的)樑,桁架,棟樑
- scheme: 計畫
- reproduction: 複製、複製品
- rewardingly(adj.): 值得做的
- manuscript: 手稿
- signify: 表示;意味著
- facsimile: 拓本(尤指文件的)摹本,複製本
- incomparably: 無可比擬地
- reprographic: 復印(術)的,復制(術)的
- duplication: 複製
- attendant: 服務人員
- monetary: 貨幣的
- superficially: 表面地
- abundance: 豐富,充裕
- suppress: (用武力)鎮壓,壓制,制止、抑制,忍住,壓抑;查禁
- high-fidelity: 高擬真
- fidelity: (尤指對性伴侶的)忠誠,忠實,忠貞、準確度;精確性
- render: 使成為;使變得;使處於某種狀態、給予,提供;表達;表演