Score band 7.5
考題來源:Cambridge 11 Test 4
Reading: 33/40
passage 123: [3]/[3]/[1]
技術性失分(字尾s、拼音等原本應該可以拿分): 0題
(1) 配合題錯4題,單選題錯2題,YNNG錯1題
(2) 這次的Section 2 花太多時間,要更準確的定位題目線索,不用仔細讀
(3) 配對題這次有出現兩個選項同時出現兩次的情形,實為罕見
(4) [配對] ___________ invented a term used to distinguish two factors affecting human characteristics.
答案:Francis Galton
線索:…Francis Galton first suggested the approach (and coined the phrase ‘nature and nurture’)
(5) [配對] ___________ carried out research into twins who had lived apart.
答案:Thomas Bouchard
線索:…identical twins who had been separated at birth and reunited as adults…visited Thomas Bouchard’s lab in what became known as the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart.
(6) 單選題的解題方法應該是先了解題目跟選項的大意,再回到原文段落閱讀大意,再來對比選項。
(7) [單選] One reason that the writer refers to Humphrey Bogart is to exemplify?
答案:the importance of the actor and the character appearing to have similar personalities
(8) [單選] What does the writer suggest about Bringing Up Baby?
答案:The nature of the dialogue emphasises key elements of the film
(9) [TFNG] Background music may anticipate a development in a film
線索:…background music often foreshadows a change in mood…
說明:我一直把mood想成情緒,所以一直卡關,覺得development跟mood怎麼樣都扯不上邊,所以選了Not Given
(10) [配對題] …but no impact has been as______as that of language.
線索:…all other inventions pale in significance, since everything we have ever achieved depends on language and originates from it.
original: existing since the beginning, or being the earliest form of something | not the same as anything or anyone else and therefore special and interesting
fundamental: forming the base, from which everything else develops | more important than anything else
- vulnerable: 脆弱的
- vulnerability: 脆弱性、易受傷害
- heredity: 遺傳、遺傳特徵
- hereditary: (特點或疾病)遺傳的;(稱號或爵位)世襲的
- coin: 創造,杜撰(新詞或新的表達方式);首次使用(某一詞語)
- a marked impact
- massive: 巨大的;大量的
- untangle: 解開、整理、解決
- virtually(adv.): 事實上、幾乎
- fraternal: 異卵雙生的、友好的,兄弟般的,親如手足的
- ailment: 小病,微恙
- pinpoint: 準確指出,確定(位置或時間)
- inheritance: 遺傳特性、遺產
- rear: 養育
- heritability: 可遺傳性
- trait: 特點、屬性
- segment: 片段、部分
- fetus: 胎兒,胎
- guide
- surge: 陡增,遽增,急遽上升、湧現,奔湧
- reflective: 反光的,反射的、沈思的;深思的
- Alternatively….
- in terms of…
- merge: to combine or join together, or to cause things to do this(使)合併;(使)融合
- emerge: to appear by coming out of something or out from behind something 出現,浮現;露出
- emergency: 緊急情況;不測事件;突發事件
- underscore: to underline (尤指為了強調)在(詞語)下面畫線
- ubiquitous: 普遍存在的,似乎無處不在的
- foreshadow: 是…的預兆,預示
- subtle: 不易察覺的、微妙的、精妙的
- detain: 使留下;拘留,扣押
- be unavoidably detained: 耽擱
- sound track: 電影原聲
- emphasis: 強調、加強 (emphases: plural)
- synchronous: 同步的
- asynchronous: 不同步的
- physiognomy: the physical appearance of the face 相貌,容貌
- persona: (與本人真實品格不一致的)表面形象,外表性格
- craft: (尤指製作東西的)工藝,手藝;技術
- banal: 平庸的,陳腐的
- intrinsic: 固有的,本質的,根本的
- curriculum: the subjects studied in a school, college, etc. and what each subject includes 課程
- portray: to represent or describe someone or something in a painting, film, book, or other artistic work 描繪,描述,描寫
- absurdity: the quality of being stupid and unreasonable, or silly in a humorous way
- bounce: 彈跳
- gag: (尤指喜劇演員的)插科打諢,笑話,玩笑
- whirlwind: 旋風、(事件)旋風般的,飛快的
- frenetic: involving a lot of excited movement or activity 發狂的,狂亂的
- ominous: suggesting that something unpleasant is likely to happen 惡兆的,不祥的,不吉利的
- burglary: 入室盜竊(罪)
- suspense: 懸念,焦慮,擔心
- nuance: a very slight difference in appearance, meaning, sound, etc. (外表、意義、聲音等的)細微差別
- opt: 選擇
- siren: 警報器,汽笛
- psychic: 通靈的;有特異功能的
- incur: to experience something, usually something unpleasant, as a result of actions you have taken 招致;遭受
- dissonant: a combination of sounds or musical notes that are not pleasant when heard together 不協調的、刺耳的
- menace: 危險的事物;構成威脅的事物
- salient: 顯著的,突出的
- motif: 中心思想,主題、圖案樣式
- comprise: 包含;包括;構成,組成
- creaky: 嘎吱作響的、過時的;破舊的;搖搖欲墜的
- foster: 收養,代養,撫育(他人子女,通常指有限的一段時間)、鼓勵;促進;培養
- spring: 跳,躍,蹦、突然出現;湧現
- telephony: the activity or process of communicating by phone 電話(指通訊方式)
- magnitude: the large size or importance of something 巨大;重大,重要性
- conceal: to prevent something from being seen or known about 隱藏;隱匿;隱瞞;隱蔽
- incongruity: the fact that something is incongruous 不協調;不合適
- be bewildered by…:使迷惑,使糊塗;難住
- paradox
- exotic: unusual and exciting because of coming (or seeming to come) from far away, especially a tropical country 異國風情的,外國情調的;奇異的
- showy: attracting a lot of attention by being very colourful or bright, but without any real beauty 花俏的;招搖的;過分華麗的
- vulgar: not suitable, simple, dignified or beautiful; not in the style preferred by the upper classes of society 粗俗的;庸俗的;不雅的
- affront: 侮辱;冒犯
- hooded: 配有風帽的;戴著頭套的
- hood: (衣服上的)兜帽,風帽、(為了擋住視線或不讓人認出而戴的)頭套,頭罩
- handkerchiefs: 手帕
- sally: 突圍,突擊
- manifold: 繁多的,多種多樣的
- advent: (事件、發明或人物的)出現,來臨,到來
- embark: 上船
- ascent: 上升;攀登、騰達;成功;高升
- unparalleled
- foremost
- ingenious
- marvellous: 絕妙的;好極的
- compose: 作曲;創作(樂曲、詩歌);著(書)、組成,構成
- infinite: 無限的,無邊的;極大的
- disclose: 公開,公佈;透露,揭露
- distill: 蒸餾、濃縮
- essence: 精華
- eloquently: 雄辯地
- flaw
- hymn: 讚美詩,聖歌
- homage: 崇敬,敬意
- barely
- measly: 少(或小)得可憐的,微不足道的
- morsel: (食物的)一口,一小份、一點點
- configuration: 佈局;構造,結構;格局
- haphazard: 無秩序的,無計劃的,隨意的
- splutter: (因驚訝、憤怒等)語無倫次地說;發出嘟囔聲;發出劈啪聲
- interminable: 無休止的,冗長不堪的
- unravel: (把布、結或線團)解開;拆散、揭開,弄清,闡明(謎團或複雜問題);被澄清;被解決
- exertion: 盡力;努力;費力
- stretching: 伸展
- vigorous: 充滿活力的;有力量的;精力旺盛的
- deceptive: 有欺騙成分的,騙人的;造成假像的
- resourcefulness: the ability to make decisions and act on your own機敏;足智多謀
- expertise: 專門技能(知識);專長
- stunt: (通常指電影中的)特技動作、意在引人注目的花招,噱頭
- dwell: 居住,棲身 [dwelt/dwelled ]
- trim: 修剪,修整
- sleek: (尤指頭髮、衣服)平滑發亮的,整潔的;(外形)線條流暢的
- convey: 表達,傳達(思想、感情或想法)
- nifty: 絕妙的;有吸引力的;俐落的
- contraption: a device or machine that looks awkward or old-fashioned, especially one that you do not know how to use(尤指不知如何使用的)笨拙的裝置;過時的機器;奇怪的玩意